
In Memoriam

Sharon Neely Nygren

September 25, 1943-December 21, 2006

On Winter Solstice, December 21, 2006, my best friend and wife passed from this life. We had shared almost 43 years together in a truly bonded relationship. This time was filled with abundance. Her ability and willingness to copartner a rich relationship allowed a life that was blessed with a life style of love and freedom. Together we had a rewarding and successful career in the world of art. She took care of the "business" protecting me from the concerns of dealing with the outside world. This union produced a daughter we/I are very proud of and a body of glass that will long out survive me.

The last eight years of declining health were not easy. A history of diabetes left her a double amputee. She accepted the conditions and hardships with a strength and grace of spirit that lives on as an inspiration to me. As I move on in life, the memory of her courage inspires me.

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